The Housing Assistance Program provides housing relocation and stabilization services necessary to help an individual or family experiencing homelessness move as quickly as possible into housing and achieve stability in that housing.
Case Managers help participants find the support they need, including job training and mental health resources, to stay housed permanently.
Our Housing Assistance office utilizes grant funds to provide short to medium term financial assistance.
Rapid Rehousing (RRH): RRH assistance may be provided to program participants who meet the criteria for homelessness established by HUD. Transitional shelter is often provided during the housing search, which is aided by a dedicated Housing Navigator. To inquire about assistance, click here.
Eviction/Homeless Prevention: This assistance may be used to prevent an individual or a family from moving into an emergency shelter or another place not intended for human habitation. Potential participants must meet the criteria established by HUD for being “at risk of homelessness”. To inquire about this assistance, click here.