Our Services
After-School Program for Kids & Teens
During the school year, After-School Program activities include homework assistance, specialized tutoring, field trips, enrichment opportunities, dropout prevention, college prep and life skills education.
Billy Brumfield Men's Shelter
The Billy Brumfield House provides emergency shelter for men 18 and older seeking a safe, warm place to sleep. We also offer a Transitional Housing/Sober-Living Program and a Short-Term Medical Recovery Program.
Clothing Closet
The Clothing Closet provides quality clothing for all who come to Stewpot. The Clothing Closet is stocked with clothing donated from residents of the Jackson Metro area.
Community Kitchen
The Community Kitchen provides a noontime meal to anyone- no questions asked- seven days a week, 365 days a year.
While we provide lots of help with physical needs, Stewpot is also a place where a person’s spirit can be filled and fed. In our chapel service, we sing, think, pray, and worship God together. Day in and day out, we focus on God’s love for us all.
Food Pantry
The Stewpot Food Pantry serves over 700 people a month. Each family is given a four-day supply of groceries to cover the entire household.
Our mission at HeARTWorks is to offer the Stewpot community an artistic experience in a loving and welcoming environment. Local artists and volunteers donate their time to teach a new technique, lead a craft project, or simply encourage our artists before they enjoy lunch with Stewpot at noon.
Housing Assistance
The Housing Assistance Program provides housing relocation and stabilization services necessary to help an individual or family experiencing homelessness into housing and achieve stability in that housing.
Legal Clinic
The Stewpot Legal Clinic is open on Tuesdays from 12:00pm-1:00pm in the Stewpot Community Kitchen. Attorneys can advise or refer on family law, vital records, housing, expungements, disability, and financial matters. Appointments are not required.
Matt's House
Matt's House Emergency Shelter provides shelter for homeless women and children who have no other place to go. The residents receive an evening meal and a light breakfast in addition to a safe place to sleep for the night.
Meals on Wheels
Each weekday, staff and volunteers make and deliver plate lunches to 35 elderly, ill, and disabled people who cannot make it to lunch at Stewpot.
Opportunity Center
The Opportunity Center Day Shelter offers community resources such as laundry, mail services, and computer access. The Opportunity Center also operates as an emergency shelter during the cold, winter months.
Sister Trinita Community Health Clinic
In partnership with Stewpot, St. Dominic Health Services operates a Community Health Clinic providing primary care to low-income families and homeless individuals whose needs are not being met by mainstream healthcare.
Summer Recreational Camp
Stewpot Summer Recreational Camp got its start with just popsicles and a kickball in an empty field across from the soup kitchen. But camp has been both an anchor and a safe haven for thousands of inner-city kids for over 30 years.