After-School Program
During the school year, After-School Program activities include homework assistance, specialized tutoring, field trips, enrichment opportunities, dropout prevention, college prep and life skills education. Most of our kids and teens are considered “at-risk” because of where they live, what schools they attend, or what circumstances their families endure.
Because of this, parents and guardians are also offered help as they try to navigate the school system. They may lack the knowledge, the time, or the skills to find the relevant resources. Our staff act as liaisons between the schools and parents so that each student has the best opportunity for success.
While the major part of our efforts are put into school work, we also make sure some of the afternoon is devoted to play, whether it be on the playground, around a game or card table, or on what is affectionately known as “the field,” (where our students play sports like kickball or freeze tag). We believe that all children deserve safe places where they can JUST. BE. KIDS.
To inquire about enrolling your child, contact:
LaQuita White, Director of Children’s Services
Yolanda Kirkland, Director of Teen Services
Summer Recreational Camp
Stewpot Summer Recreational Camp got its start with just popsicles and a kickball in an empty field across from the soup kitchen. But camp has been both an anchor and a safe haven for thousands of inner-city kids for over 30 years.
At Stewpot’s Summer Camp, campers are provided a light breakfast, two snacks, and a nutritious lunch every day. Mini Art Camps and Sports Camps allow them to explore their creativity and, of course, have fun. They participate in Vacation Bible Schools as invited by our supporting congregations. Book Clubs and garden projects even sneak a little learning in through the summer.
Our campers live in the poorest community in the Metro area, and many of them rarely leave the confines of their neighborhoods. Summer Camp becomes their portal to the world. Field trips to local museums, parks, movies, sporting events, and plays broaden their worldviews and expose them to new ideas.
Summer Camp has also become a training ground for our students as they grow. Interested campers can apply to become Counselors in Training beginning in 8th grade and paid counselors beginning in 10th grade, This gives them real world work experience that can be a launching pad to future jobs.